Information on barriers and accessibility

Our motto is “radical wellness for all”. We want to improve the social and structural accessibility of the event this year and in the years to come. This page will be updated regularly. (Status: 25.08.24). More information will follow.

What barriers await you and what offers are available?

Infos and Questions

If you have any questions or would like to announce needs, please write to During the event, the info point will help you.

Ticket/accompanying a person

We have set aside a contingent of free tickets for people with disabilities and their accompanying person. If you can and would like to, we would be happy to receive a voluntary donation for your ticket. To get a free ticket for you and your accompanying person, use the ticket store. We do not check proof of disabilities.

Directions/Parking lots

The Orankesee lido can be reached by public transport. The nearest tram-station is named Orankestrand (Tram 27) and approx. 400 meters from the lido.
There are reserved parking spaces for people with disabilities in front of the entrance.
People with disabilities can receive their admission wristband without having to wait.

Sanitary facilities

The toilets at the lido are not steplessly accessible. There is a 10 cm high step at the entrance. In addition, the door width is not suitable for wheelchairs.
There will also be two accessible dixies reserved for people with disabilities.
The showers at the lido are also not steplessly accessible (10 cm high step). The corridor to the showers is only 75 cm wide.
For the self-built showers, we make sure that the showers are as level as possible or are equipped with a ramp.

Terrain and path system

The site has different surfaces (green area, sand, level paving stones). The entrance area is paved and the paved path leads to the larger green area and there are two paved paths leading off from it that lead to the water. The paths are between 2.5 and 3 m wide. Most of the green area is flat and there are trees at longer intervals.
In most areas, the beach and the meadow have a difference in height of up to 80 cm. Exceptions to this are the paved paths that lead to the beach.
In addition to the paved areas, we would like to try to make as many parts of the event site as possible accessible for wheelchairs and walking frames, e.g. by means of paving slabs. Priority will be given to central paths and the accessibility of the barrier-free saunas, the barrier-free toilets, the awareness room, the bars and the stages.
Existing and planned routes can be seen on the map. The map shows the current planning. Changes may still occur. During the event, you can find out the exact routes at the info point.

Wellness (sauna and co.)

There will be at least one sauna that is accessible for people with wheelchairs or walkers.
There is another sauna in the Flinta* area that is stepless and accessible for wheelchairs and walkers. The entrance to the sauna is approx. 90 cm wide and there is space for up to two wheelchairs in the sauna. There is also the option of using a stool (37cm high) as a low seat on site. Flinta* is an abbreviation for female, lesbian, inter people, non-binary people, trans people and agender people.

There are saunas in different temperature ranges, from hot to not so hot. There is no obligation to be naked in our saunas or at the event. If you don’t feel comfortable, you don’t have to undress.
Unfortunately, the hot tub is not barrier-free. The beach and lake are accessible via the two paved paths.

Quiet places and retreats

Unlike spas, for example, the Saunasplash is quite lively. There is a lot of music and you can also talk in the sauna.
But the Healing Area is also a quiet place. There will be no loud music or flickering lights here. You can also retreat to the awareness room at any time.

The sauna called Deine Mudda will be a quiet sauna during the event.


Smoking is prohibited in all indoor rooms and saunas.

Information for people with visual impairments

There are no tactile guidance systems or anything similar.

Other offers

There are four wheelchairs available to borrow. They can be used in the sauna, for example. Contact the info point to borrow one.

Fotos der unterschiedlichen Untergründe