our community
Sauna Locations
Most of the saunas in our community come from Berlin – but there are exceptions. We are happy to welcome new members from other cities and countries.
Sauna to the power of 13
part of the saunasplash ever since its inception!
a sauna of one’s own in the garden, a meeting space for the kiez and wellness in the wild, wild wedding. over the past years our funky sauna build from slattet frames has become a important element in berlin’s grassroots sauna culture. the sauna¹³ was constructed by two flatmates in 2016, was improved over the years and is the heart of our beloved sweatpearls-community.
Sauna space with part of the Splash-Orga-Team
The name says it all! We are a small sauna collective right in the heart of Berlin on a wasteland at the “90mil” project. We heat up our two saunas, the “Plattenbau” and “Deine Mudda”, several times a week for our community. You already know both saunas from Splash ’23 and ’24. We have a very relaxed atmosphere with cold drinks and chilled music and everyone is welcome.
Our space will be open until the end of March, then we will unfortunately have to move out. New location TBA.
Le Camion Sauna
a founding member of the saunaclash!
the project „Camion Sauna“ is inspired by the sauna truck community from Scandinavia (Sauna Ajot in Teuva) and the sauna sessions from Canada.
the alteration to the „Camion Sauna” has started in 2012 and took place over a period of 5 years in Ankershagen, Strasbourg and Berlin Hohenschönhausen.
thanks to it’s 4 wheels, the “Camion Sauna” can create at any time and any place a hot atmosphere without risking being a factor for gentrification – luxury for everyone and everywhere!

Polygon Sauna – tent and dome
a founding member of the saunasplash
the polygon sauna is a tent and dome cross-breed. be prepared: she can get very hot! the polygon sauna is a project by polygon berlin. for the last couple of years the members of polygon berlin have been working together in changing constellations and have created a plurality of complex structures in various media: 3d-programming, websites, concerts, comics, movies, painting and many more.

Wellness in tow
Part of saunasplash since it’s inception!
Wir sind ein Wellnesskollektiv und fördern die Körperkultur und Gesundheit dort wo du uns findest. Wir touren mit Sauna, Badezuber, Jurte und Massagen zu den Festivals.

part of the SAUNASPLASH since its inception!
the 814er mercedes truck used to be a horse trailer, today it is the rosa sauna. rosa creates blessed, sweaty faces. it’s mission is to spread sauna fun.

first cooperation with team wellness in 2019, part of the SAUNASPLASH team ever since 2020.
in the “Nacktbar” (naked bar) everyone is naked outright.
we organize the “Nacktbar” to free the naked body from taboos and sexualization and revive a positive feeling towards one’s own body. we want to create an feel-good zone and celebrate in a fun atmosphere together.
sex-freed and body positive safer-space

part of the SAUNASPLASH team since 2023

#nudesportsberlin – the naked sportsclub in kreuzberg
part of the SAUNASPLASH since 2021
We are a non-profit naturist sports club from Berlin-Kreuzberg offering naked Badminton, Soccer, Gymnastics, Swimming, Table Tennis, Volleyball, Aquagym, Workout, Yoga and Body Awareness . In warmer months, we are drawn out into nature going together on nude Hikes and Excursions and Trips.
Our club stems from the work of Adolf Koch back and was founded in 1923 in connection with the life reform movement. We are firmly rooted in Berlin-Kreuzberg, but we also have offers in other districts.
We are very open welcoming all who like to move naked or are interested in doing so.
So, join us and feel free! We look forward to welcoming you.

swedding – two firm saunas at plötzensee lido
part of the SAUNASPLASH since 2021
you can even visit there two petite saunas at plötzensee lido when there is no SAUNASPLASH. guaranteed with lake view.

part of the SAUNASPLASH since 2021
carlos from rostock build the schweißperle with a lot of attention and love.

first time at SAUNASPLASH in 2023!
SweatX is a modular sauna for daring locations. Designed to conquer the rooftops of the city, the sauna travels around the country and takes sweating to new heights. The parasitic wellness facility has no fixed location, but can often be found in Wedding.

SuSiSauna – the mobile Sauna in oberhafen
first time at Saunasplash in 2023!
The SuSiSauna enriches the newly developing Oberhafen district in Hafencity, Hamburg. Self-organized and on a donation basis, everyone can sweat here. She is the little sister of the Zunderbüchse in Wilhelmsburg.

Jante Saunabus
first time at Saunasplash in 2023!
from Kiel.

Momo Sauna
first time at Saunasplash in 2023!
MoMo is a mobile and modular pop-up sauna in Berlin. It is open to anyone who enjoys a sauna and transforms urban wastelands into public wellness areas for everyone.

Part of Saunasplash 2019 and 2021
Dida, gas station owner and owner of the mobile sauna truck Firefit has not only been the inspiration for the construction of the Hoch13 sauna, but also the creative mind behind the idea to organize a mobile sauna festival – the Saunaclash 2017, which started it all.
Firefit was buildt under the direction of “SaunaProfessor“ Unto Siikanen together with carpenters from the cooperative Pro Puu in 2012, alongside World Design Capital in Lahti.
The mobile finnish Sauna with the creative energy force. Powered by FIT freie internationale tankstelle.

other projects
a project commited to increase digital literacy created the programmable chain of lights. it is perfect for low-key programming, well illuminated naked-dancing or even for hanging out an receiving some compliments.

Splitterfasernackt – discussions at 60 degrees
60 degrees, two friends from berlin, intriguing guests – we are “splitterfasernackt” (stark naked) and we are in the sauna! we sweat each first thurthday of the month with you to talk in the sauna about thrilling topics and to normalize nudity.

discontinued projects
part of the SAUNASPLASH since its inception and founding member of the association “Verein für Mobile Saunkultur e.V.”
FLUCHTKUNST operates a 7.5t truck with built-in sauna, bar/stage area and convertible chill periphery.
Fluchtkunst Mobile Sauna represents an evolved vision of artistic self-determination. The independent, non-institutionally filtered expression through the escape of art to public and unusual places, the necessarily intended encounter with guests that one would not necessarily meet in other creative-professional environments (theaters, galleries …) and, if things go wrong, the possibility of a renewed escape thanks to mobility.

part of the saunasplash 2021!
Almost all saunas in the sauna community are owned and operated by [cis-]men. To create a place that only FLINTA* can control, the raft was build by a group of non-cismen and sailed across the lake during SAUNASPLASH 2021.
*FLINTA* is an german abbreviation and stands for women, lesbians, inter, non-binary, trans and a-gender people.